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Pakistani man receives reprieve on death sentence

A Pakistani man who was sentenced to death by the Court of First Instance received a reprieve from the Cassation Court, when it commuted the earlier verdict and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

The Pakistani who worked for a Kuwaiti family was convicted of stabbing to death an Indian over financial matters. According to the case report, the suspect invited the victim to the outhouse of the Kuwaiti villa and demanded that the Indian repay the money borrowed from him. Following a heated argument that spiralled into a fight between the two, the Pakistani is said to have pulled out a knife and stabbed the Indian in the stomach.

Despite being stabbed, the Indian continued the struggle and the suspect that proceeded to stab the victim multiple times in the back, chest and abdomen until he died. The Public Prosecutor had charged the Pakistani with premeditated murder and called for a death sentence, which had been granted by the Court of First Instance.

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