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PACI photographs 53 areas of Kuwait using drones

In continuation of the project to cover all regions of the country, the Public Authority for Civil Information announced it has complete taking areas photos of 53 out of 157 regions of Kuwait with an accuracy of more than 5 cm using drones.

In a statement, to Al-Qabas daily, PACI confirmed the official completion of the Capital and Hawalli governorates, and that the data for the two governorates will be made available soon, through the authority’s various applications, such as “Kuwait Finder” and the “spatial information portal.”

The Authority stated that it is currently conducting a survey of the Taima and Sulaibiya regions at the request of the Public Authority for Housing Welfare.

It is noteworthy to make a mention here that PACI’s project has so far reached 33 percent of the areas required to be covered in the country.

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