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PAAET secures 10,000 graduates per year for Kuwait’s workforce

The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) plays a key role in feeding the domestic work and business market with qualified labor force, graduating more than 10,000 personnel per year.

PAAET has been fulfilling this task since its proclamation on December 28, 1982, making up for shortages of the required workforce. At core of its activities is the training courses involving thousands of students per year.

PAAET’s colleges, since 1985, have enrolled 259,563 citizens and the number of graduates, since 1992, has reached 152,211. Number of the nationals registered in the colleges and the courses, since 1981, has amounted to nearly 163,691 and the whole figure of the graduates from special courses and faculties, since 1989, has hit 91,020.

Securing a well-educated and trained workforce is in the heart of the Kuwait State strategy, new Kuwait 2035, published on January 30, 2017, when the national strategists put the wheels on the track toward developing the country and joining ranks of advanced countries.

PAAET encompasses a number of colleges and institutes, such as College of Basic Education, College of Business Studies, College of Technological Studies and College of Health Sciences, among many others. The authority’s embryo was the Technical and Vocational Education Department, established in 1972, to supervise technical and vocational education. It had continued to function until 1982 when PAAET was established as an autonomous body to supervise technical and vocational training.

Source: KUNA

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