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Over six months stay outside country cancels residency

The previous rule that expatriates who stay outside the country for over six months will automatically lose their residency status is to be reinstated. This rule had been relaxed during the COVID-19 pandemic period when the Ministry of Interior had permitted all residents abroad to renew their residence permits ‘online’ and to stay outside the country for an open period.

This rule had been introduced as a humanitarian gesture and because the government had closed the airport to commercial air traffic and had banned the entry of expatriates for extended periods during the pandemic. But now that the pandemic is no longer a threat to people in the country, the authorities have decided that there is no longer any justification for continuing with these exceptional measures.

By the end of this year, residents who hold ‘family residency’ will not be able to stay outside the country for more than six months, because the residency will automatically be forfeited.

The General Administration of Residency Affairs in the Ministry of Interior has reportedly decided to approve the cancellation of the residencies of those under Article 18 visa who have stayed outside the country for more than six months, starting from 1 November. This could result in anyone who has remained outside the country since 1 May having to return before 1 November. Failure to do so could result in cancellation of their residency.

It was also reported that besides Article 18 visa holders, the six months period of stay outside the country could become applicable to holders of Article 22 visa(joining a family) and Article 24 visa (the same guarantor), before the end of this year.

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