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Online renewal of residency permit for Article 18 workers

After the success of enabling more than 600,000 domestic workers in Kuwait to renew their residency permit online, the V (MoI) is set to soon launch a similar facility for the millions of expatriate workers and their families in the private sector.

The online renewal is seen as a step in the government’s progressive move towards implementing an e-government strategy that increases efficiency, eliminates paperwork and reduces the time wasted in long queues along the corridors of ministries.

The scheme, slated to be launched in October and accessible through the MoI website, will allow expatriate workers to renew their residency permit as well as that of their spouse and children, without having to visit the passport offices or the offices of residency affairs in various governorates. The government is also reportedly aiming to introduce the online issuance of visit visas for parents, wives and children of expatriates.

The provision of online services comes following the automated linkage of the MoI with other ministries and government entities, most notably the Public Authority for Manpower and the Public Authority for Civil Information, which together have all relevant data on employment and on relatives of expatriate workers in the country, as well as the Ministry of Health, which provides data on the health status of new employees. Meanwhile, the tie up with Knet company allows the MoI to ensure that all payments are made online before any transaction can be completed.

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