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One-way air ticket prices to Kuwait decline gradually after short-live travel ‘uncertainty’ 

The return ticket to Kuwait prices which initially shot up following the emergence of the African Corona virus mutation ‘Omicron’, gradually decreased after government sources reassured the travelers that it does not intend to close the airport or the land borders.

Sources in the travel and tourism sector told Al-Anba the prices have begun to gradually decrease for the next few days, but they remain relatively high compared to the prices that were available before the announcement of ‘Omicron’.

The sources indicated the prices of tickets for one-way Cairo-Kuwait in particular ranged between 181 dinars on Tuesday, 158 dinars on Wednesday, 116 dinars on Thursday, and 107 dinars on Friday, and 97 dinars last Saturday, witnessing a systematic decrease over the past 5 days.

The sources expect the cost of ticket to continue to decline over the next few days and return to their normal face.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Tourism and Travel Offices, Muhammad Al-Mutairi, said the emergence of any new mutant of the Corona virus should not be met with closures, as happened in the past, especially since all countries of the world, including Kuwait, have had enough experience from what they have experienced over the two years course, which qualifies them to deal with any developments.

Al-Mutairi called on the travelers not to panic and not to change their travel plans saying the statement issued by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali regarding the movement at the airport is a message of reassurance and a clear government announcement that dealing with any of the Corona variables will be according to a strategy that takes into account all health and economic dimensions at the same time.

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