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Man gets 15 years, another life for running over and killing bedoun

The Court of Cassation has upheld the verdicts of the Criminal Court and the Court of Appeal and sentenced to life imprisonment an unidentified person for running over and killing a young bedoun man in the Al-Qusour area.

The court also put behind bars another man, believed to be the accomplice of the main culprit, for 15 years, reports Al-Anba daily.

According to case papers, the incident dates back to early January of 2021, when a quarrel happened in front of a Diwaniya in the Al-Qusour area, followed by an exchange of beatings, and the two citizens running over and hitting the victim, identified only as A.K., with the vehicle.

Several attempts were made to rescue the victim, who was admitted to intensive care unit of a hospital, but he died of severe injuries sustained as a result of he run-over by the convicts.

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