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No respect for the law, physically challenged people

It appears the Ministry of Interior is battling with the issue of people who park their vehicles in places designated for the elderly and those physically challenged because this violation of the law is witnessed all over the country especially in front of the markets, cooperative societies and government institutions.

A local Arabic daily said those who park their vehicles in these places designated for the elderly not only show disrespect for the law but appear to have no conscience because these places are clearly defined as parking places for the physically challenged.

The Ministry of the Interior stated, in a letter to Al-Qabas, in response to what was published in its issue on January 12, under the title ‘Occupying the parking places designated for the continues without deterrence’, said “in the event of any legal text in case of a violation of parking in places designated for the elderly, the General Traffic Department will implement it immediately, in accordance with the regulations and articles that will be stipulated by law.”

The letter signed by the Director General of Public Relations and Media, Brigadier Tawhid Al-Kandari, said very clearly that the lawlessness of parking vehicles in spaces designated for the elderly will continue, as long as the ministry remains idle and cannot deal with the aggressors – the phenomenon that is clearly visible at the gates of malls and cooperative societies although it is clearly identified that the parking spaces are for the elderly.

Despite the consideration by the Health Committee in the National Assembly, the amendments to the articles of the “Elderly Care” law since July 2021 and the dialogue with several government agencies, led by Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the articles to be amended, nothing new has emerged so far regarding this.

Responsible sources the Social Affairs Ministry reviewed, amended and raised the articles of the law to conform to the current stage, and that the ministry held a series of meetings with members of the Parliamentary Health Committee, to discuss the proposed amendments and they expressed their cooperation and readiness to approve them.

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