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No recommendation to raise prices of cooperative goods

Although the head of the Consumer Protection Association, Mishaal Al-Manea, said the committee formed by the Minister of Commerce and Industry to study the prices of foodstuffs and consumer goods for cooperatives recommended increasing the prices of some goods by up to 30 percent sources said there is no communication from the committee in this regard to raise the prices of commodities.

However, according to a local daily, there is tendency that the ministry will cancel the fixing of the prices of goods in the cooperatives societies or rather liberalize the prices, but minister of Commerce and Industry said no notification has been issued in this regard.

Meanwhile, Al-Shariaan has issued Ministerial Resolution No. 170/A for year 2022, to what the daily called ‘localize’ charity work in the country.

The decision, of which the newspaper has obtained a copy, stipulates supporting the localization of charity work, directing its proceeds within Kuwait, using the money for service projects and providing all facilities to public benefit associations of a charity nature. The decision will become effective from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

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