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No objection to bury the dead at night

With the summer heat intensifying and recording high temperatures, the municipality resorted to a fatwa from the Ministry of Religious Endowments to allow burial of the dead at night, to relieve the families of the deceased and the mourners.

The Director of the Funerals Department in Kuwait Municipality, Dr. Faisal Al-Awadi, issued a circular allowing burials at night in cemeteries during the months of July and August, reports Al-Rai daily.

The circular stated that “due to the high temperatures during the day, and based on a fatwa from the Ministry of Endowments that burial is permitted at night, and in the interest of the administration to facilitate services and ease the funerals lighting in cemeteries at night will be provided,

Al-Awadi stressed that “there is no objection to burial at any time, according to the public interest, and the estimate of the official of each cemetery, in coordination with the funeral home.”

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