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No indications new coronavirus strain has entered Kuwait

Health sources revealed that the health authorities and the Council of Ministers are awaiting a detailed report from the World Health Organization, and the health office of the Kuwaiti embassy in London, whose representative will receive the report from the British Ministry of Health to take any decisions regarding any health developments that may arise, Al Qabas reported.

The sources explained to Al-Qabas that the health authorities are in direct contact around the clock to monitor any negative or positive developments regarding the new strain of the coronavirus, and are making inquiries about any new symptoms that differ from the current Coronavirus. The sources pointed out that the Ministry of Health is currently evaluating the indicators of the new strain of Coronavirus, and whether there needs to be implemented procedures different from the previous procedures or the same mechanisms.

The sources assured that the health conditions in the country are currently under control, and that there are no indications that the Covid 20 has infected anyone or entered Kuwait.

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