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No danger to Kuwaiti property in Spain: Ambassador Aguilar

After a video went viral showing a couple occupying a house purportedly belong to a Kuwaiti, the Spanish Ambassador to Kuwait Miguel Moro Aguilar said he has not received any complaint in this regard from Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Diplomatic sources told Al-Rai most Kuwaiti homes in Spain are located in high-end areas and there are guards, but ruling out the possibility of such a thing happening in those areas.

The sources stated there may be a case of taking possession of an abandoned house or unguarded apartment in villages or areas far from the capital, explaining that “this process is called ‘squattering’, but the rightful owner gets possession soon because Spain is a country governed by laws.”

The source pointed out that “squatters” are present in a number of European countries, where they enter abandoned homes for long periods and live in them by squatting, and the police can only remove them from the property by order of the court, which can take several months, and often the ruling is eviction from the property in the event the owner submits documents proving his ownership of it,” reassuring that “there is no danger to Kuwaitis’ property in Spain or any other European country.”

HE Ambassador Aguilar, confirmed, in a statement to Al-Rai, that he had not received any complaint regarding the seizure of a Kuwaiti home in Spain from the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry or any other party, and suggested the video circulated was old or a fabrication.

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