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No 14-day transit stay for expatriates arriving from countries with no direct flights

The implementation of the cabinet’s decision to allow expats with valid residencies to enter Kuwait does not require them to quarantine in a third country for 14 days, Al Anbaa reported.

The Cabinet’s decision regarding allowing entry to expatriates canceled the requirement to stay in a transit station for 14 days, for those coming from countries with which there are no direct commercial flights.

Four conditions for allowing the entry of expatriates:

  1. Valid residence and fully vaccinated with one of the approved vaccines.

  2.  Conducting a PCR examination 72 hours before the flight date.

  3. Another examination during the first 3 days of the home quarantine, and ends as soon as the result is negative.

  4. As for domestic workers, institutional quarantine is required to ensure the safety and health of Kuwaiti families.

The General Administration of Civil Aviation issued a circular stipulating that the insured citizens or residents coming from abroad are exempted from paying the value of the PCR KD 20 dinars through a Kuwait Mosafer App and conducting the payment and examination in Kuwait if the passenger wishes to end his home quarantine, Al Anbaa reported.

The vaccinated citizens arriving in Kuwait are subjected to home quarantine for a week from the date of their arrival, and if they wish to end the quarantine, they must conduct one PCR examination and pay inside Kuwait.  When the examination results come negative, the quarantine ends.

Informed sources told the daily that the age groups exempt from vaccination are children under 16 years old.

This category is exempted from the requirement of vaccination when traveling abroad for Kuwaitis and children of expatriates before arriving in Kuwait from August 1.

In the implementation of the instructions of the Council of Ministers, the work of unvaccinated employees will be allowed to continue in ministries, government agencies, and the private sector.

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