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Newly graduated Kuwaiti engineers protest over no vacancies in KNPC

A group of newly-graduated Kuwaiti engineers who passed the acceptance test of the Kuwait National Petroleum Corporation (KNPC), but who were rejected under the pretext of ‘No Vacancies’ have appealed to the Oil Minister Dr. Khalid Al-Fadhil and the Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Hashem Al-Hashem to open the door for their appointment and be treated just like their fellow engineers.

Speaking to the protesters, MP Abdullah Al-Kandari, stressed, “It is time to accept the appointment of those who pass the test directly, and I hope there will be seriousness in addressing this issue in the sense that those who pass the tests are accepted directly rather than delaying their appointments.”

He said that the message of the protesters will be delivered to the minister and the head of the KPC in this regard, hoping that “there will be serious interest and not just government assurances. Kuwait has a lot of talented people capable of working under all circumstances.”

He pointed out that “one of the most important elements of the unemployment crisis is the lack of a clear vision of the needs of the labor market, and the absence of coordination and cooperation between government agencies and educational institutions, represented by the Kuwait University and the Ministry of Higher Education.

The oil sector must preserve the national wealth and accept all applications of engineering graduates in general and petroleum in particular. “He stressed that it is time to take serious steps to alleviate the suffering of the sons and daughters of Kuwait.”

He pointed out that he is surprised to see the oil sectors continuing to rely on expatriates and limit the acceptance of 90 Kuwaitis out of 200 who meet all the requirements and have passed all the tests, stressing that young people are the ones who carry the nation and build it on their shoulders and must be recruited to play their roles in the development and building of the homeland.

Source: Al-Rai

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