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New mechanism to keep pace, develop strategic plans in oil sector

A new mechanism is in the offing for the unified qualification of contractors and manufacturers with the exception of some specialized works that do not match with the rest of the other companies in the oil sector.

A local Arabic daily has learned a financial classification of the qualification lists was carried out to match the contract values of each company, to give the opportunity for a big number of participants in the oil sector tenders and that a central committee for qualification will be formed comprising directors of the commercial department in the oil sector to approve the qualification results.

In a step to keep up pace and develop new mechanisms and strategic plans, the CEO of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Sheikh Nawaf Saud Al-Sabah, issued a decision saying the team will be fall under the umbrella of the Kuwait Oil Company administration to unify the procedures for qualifying contractors in the oil sector, provided bids will be submitted ‘online’. The committee is expected to begin its work within two months whose technical follow up will be done by Supreme Committee for Tenders in the KPC.

Al-Saud stated in his decision that in light of the final report issued by the work team to standardize the types and categories of works and materials in the Petroleum Corporation and its oil companies, which was approved on 10/19/2021 to put it into practice and work with what it came with, including the team’s proposed organizational structure.

The following was decided:

1) Forming a central qualification team in accordance with the proposed organizational structure, under the supervision of the Central Qualification Committee of the Higher Procurement Committee to carry out the tasks of registering and classifying contractors, contractors and suppliers to work with the Corporation and its oil companies, in implementation of Article No. 5 of the Executive Regulations of the Law Public Tenders No. (49) of 2016.

2) The Central Qualification Team works completely independently from the Corporation and its affiliated oil companies in all its technical work related to the registration and qualification of contractors and manufacturers, and its technical reference is to the head of the Central Qualification Committee mentioned in Article 5, while the administrative team’s reference is to the Director of the Commercial Department of the Kuwait Oil Company.

3- The central rehabilitation team is entrusted with the following tasks to carry out the tasks entrusted to it as follows:

A- Working with what was stated in the approved report of the Task Force for Standardizing Types and Categories of Works and Materials in the Petroleum Corporation and its affiliated oil companies, with the necessary revision and updating

B- Unifying the lists of manufacturers who are on the lists of oil companies

C- Using the conditions, requirements, standards and bases of qualification that were prepared by the Committee for the Unification of Qualification Lists to review qualification requests submitted by manufacturers and contractors, and these foundations and standards can be modified and approved by the Central Qualification Committee mentioned in Article 5 of this decision and by the Higher Procurement Committee.

D- Carry out the tasks of registering and classifying contractors, contractors and suppliers wishing to work with the Corporation and its affiliated oil companies, in accordance with the conditions, requirements and qualification criteria approved by the Central Qualification Committee.

E- Update the contact details periodically for the approved contractors and manufacturers.

F – Coordination with the oil companies affiliated to update the lists of qualification periodically, with a focus on the lists of works for contracts that are constantly renewed.

G- Registering and approving lists of companies prohibited from dealing with the Corporation and its oil companies.

H- Organizing the meetings of the Central Rehabilitation Committee periodically and implementing the decisions of this committee.

I- Coordinating with the qualification departments of the oil companies and technical specialists from these companies (if necessary) and preparing the preparatory work such as preparing the files of manufacturers and contractors and other documents that the committee needs during the meeting.

J- Preparing responses to qualification requests according to the evaluation engineers’ testimony and the recommendations of the Central Qualification Committee, and notifying manufacturers and contractors of the committee’s decisions.

K- Presenting manufacturers and contractors performance reports to the Central Qualification Committee.

L- Implementation of the committee’s recommendations regarding manufacturers and contractors with poor performance.

M- Communicate with the Higher Procurement Committee to obtain their approval of the penalties applied to contractors and manufacturers with poor performance.

N- Reviewing the selected lists prepared by the Corporation and its subsidiaries to offer some tenders that do not have approved lists.

O- Carrying out any other tasks assigned to it by the Central Rehabilitation Committee and the Higher Procurement Committee.

4 – Article 5 of the resolution stipulates that a central qualification committee will be formed, in implementation of Article 24 of the Supreme Procurement Committee bylaw, headed by Ali Al-Kandari, the Vice Chairman of the Supreme Procurement Committee, and the membership of the directors of commercial departments in the oil companies. The terms of reference, scope of work and tasks to be performed by this committee are as explained in Article VI of this resolution, provided that the committee sets the rules regulating its work.

5- According to Article 6 of the resolution, the tasks of the Central Rehabilitation Committee are as follows:

A- Attend the periodic meetings held to decide on requests for qualification and recommendations for imposing penalties on contractors and manufacturers with poor performance.

B- Review the results of the evaluation of the qualification applications prepared by the engineers of the central qualification team and the engineers of the subsidiaries, and ensure that the qualification criteria are applied to them.

C- Reviewing the recommendations of the central qualification team and its subsidiaries regarding the proposed penalties to be imposed on contractors and manufacturers with poor performance.

D- Consider and decide on any complaint submitted by the Corporation or its affiliated oil companies against any of the

E- Meeting with representatives of the performing contractors and manufacturers with poor performance to listen to their defense before deciding whether to recommend sanctions against them.

F- Submitting reports of poor performance of contractors and manufacturers, as well as reports of complaints submitted against any of the qualified manufacturers or contractors, with appropriate recommendations for the proposed penalties, to the Higher Procurement Committee for approval.

G- Decide on the necessary field visits to inspect the premises of local and international manufacturers and contractors, to verify and ensure that the data and information contained in the qualification application match the status quo, and coordinate with affiliated companies to select members of the field visit team.

H- Preparing a bylaw for the work system of the Central Qualification Committee and its approval by the Higher Procurement Committee.

I- Supervising the work of the central qualification team, setting performance indicators, and providing the necessary proposals and guidance to develop the procedures and methods of work of the central qualification team.

J- Amending the bases and qualification criteria and lists of types of businesses and products, if necessary, and obtaining the approval of the Higher Procurement Committee on these amendments.

6 – The team sets detailed work policies, procedures and instructions, in accordance with the general lines mentioned in the approved report of the work team for standardizing types and categories of works and materials.

7- All departments in the Corporation and its affiliated oil companies must cooperate and provide full support to this team to help it perform and fulfill its tasks and responsibilities to the fullest.

8 – This decision shall be effective as of its date, and a period of two months is given at the latest for the central qualification team to begin actual work, provided that during this period all necessary equipment and logistical works are arranged and completed.

Article 8 of the resolution stipulates that the headquarters of the central qualification team shall be in the Kuwait Oil Company.

The sources stressed that the head of the Central Rehabilitation Committee should coordinate with KOC to make the necessary arrangements to establish and equip the workplace with a sufficient number of offices, tools and devices necessary for the team to carry out the tasks entrusted to it to the fullest.

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