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Nepali domestic helpers to arrive in Kuwait

Nepalese household workers could soon begin arriving in Kuwait, said Khaled Al-Dekhanan, the head of the Federation of Employers of Household Employees Agencies.

Speaking to the media, Al-Dekhanan said that unrelenting demand for household workers in Kuwait had led the federation to explore the possibility of hiring employees from various countries. He revealed that following discussion held by the federation with the Charge d’Affaires Prakash Mali and Labor Attache at the Embassy of Nepal, a tentative understanding had been reached to source domestic workers from Nepal.

Al-Dekhanan added that  the discussions were held “within the framework of the efforts made by the federation to open outlets for the recruitment of domestic workers to increase supply and reduce the cost of hiring, which will allow the Kuwaiti family to choose workers most suited to their needs.”

“In this regard,” he said, ‘the federation has been meeting with Nepali officials to overcome the difficulties and agree on the possibility of bringing skilled Nepalese labor to work in Kuwait, and the response was quick due to the distinguished relations between the two countries.”


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