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Negotiations to hand over Al-Raja’an stumbled for vague reasons

The final negotiations to extradite the Kuwaiti fugitive for Director-General of the Public Institute for Social Security, Fahd Al-Raja’an, who has been found guilty by the Kuwaiti judiciary of embezzling millions of dinars from the institute, have stumbled for what the authorities called ‘vague reasons’ despite final steps that have been taken that could have settled the matter.

Local Arabic daily sources revealed that the negotiations have stalled for ambiguous reasons so far, as coordination was underway with foreign banks to put at rest this file, in preparation for handing over the fugitive to Kuwait, but these negotiations have been suspended until further notice.

The sources stressed the situation requires a serious and urgent action, which has taken a long time since the Raja’an escaped to Britain a very long time ago after hoarding the embezzled money in foreign banks.

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