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Neglect, unqualified support workers blamed for dilapidated buildings

The strange accident that happened at the Jahra Traffic Department building, when the roof suddenly collapsed is a cause for concern and an eye opener for the concerned authorities to streamline the construction sector and ensure that all employees including engineers down to the support workers to ensure they are qualified.

Head of the Society of Engineers, Faisal Al-Atl, believes the latest incident in the Jahra Traffic Building occurred due to the implementation of the building project by unqualified workers, and leniency in the process of engineering supervision and implementation of the contractors,” according to official sources, reports a local Arabic daily.

The sources told the daily there was a delay in adopting the testing mechanism and operating the professions center in the Kuwait Society of Engineers, despite its readiness, due to some concerns among the Public Authority for Manpower about the enormity of the project.

He feels the need to expedite the operation of the certification accreditation mechanism, and to conduct professional tests for engineering support workers to avoid such accidents is a must and blamed the unskilled labor for the tragedy, “but luckily no one was hurt, as every left the hall seconds before the roof caved in.”

The sources stated PAM and “engineers” met on several occasions during the past two months, and agreed to operate the center and start approving professional certificates, and the step will include new or renewed work permits.

The linking mechanism will be electronic between the authority and the association, regarding the accreditation and issuance of work permits for professionals affiliated with 71 different professions.

Al-Atl called for the adoption of professional employment, especially engineering, in all public and private projects, which has the greatest impact on the quality of work and its outputs.

5 elements that threaten the recurrence of collapse accidents

■ Many government buildings are old and dilapidated

■ Use of unskilled labor to carry out construction

■ Lax supervision of engineering implementation by contractors

■ Delay in adopting the testing mechanism for engineering workers

■ The slowdown in the operation of the “Professional Center”, despite its readiness

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