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Nasser beats addictions, maintains drug-free lifestyle

The addition treatment center.

After battling drug addiction for 24 years, Nasser — a narcotics survivor – continues to his success story as a person striving to avoid the pits and falls of illicit substances. Speaking to KUNA, Nasser — whose name translates to victory-maker in Arabic — recounted his struggle with drug addiction, which began in the tender age of 17.

As the proverb “curiosity killed the cat” goes, Nasser dabbled with drugs not knowing the devastating impact on his personality and relationships with friends and family. “Addiction turned me into recluse as well as a maniac who tried to secure any sort of income to fulfill
my desires,” he said regretfully.

An activity by the center in coordination with the ministry of social affairs.

“The turning point was realizing that my children were scattered, I was divorced and a mountain of debt accumulated due to this curse called drug addiction,” indicated Nasser who decided from thereon, he would set himself of the straight path, never veering towards or surrendering to addiction ever again.

Therapists of the addiction treatment center during an activity.

The addiction treatment center was the first right step in years for Nasser and he never looked back, marking four years of soberness and a drug-free lifestyle. He took the right decision, said Hanadi Al-Ashkanani — head of the social services department at the center.

She noted that the center offered a protocoled system of treatment, which involves an initial stage, followed by assisting in withdrawal symptoms and finally a continuous road of recovery no matter how long it took, In Nasser’s case, he joined the “midway house” program, a stage of recovery that allowed him to not only recovery but also assist in the recovery of fellow addicts.

She went on to say that, Nasser’s road to recovery had its ups and downs, but with an iron determination, anyone could beat addiction on matter what the odds are. – KUNA

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