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Municipality continues ‘bachelor eviction’ campaign

In a bid to demonstrate that it has zero-tolerance for bachelors living in government housing areas, Kuwait Municipality has continued its campaign of evicting bachelors from these areas. Since the start of the campaign nearly two weeks ago, municipality workers have issued 102 citations, 428 evacuation notices, and disconnected electricity from 63 properties, while also detecting over 440 real-estate violations.

In a press release, Public Relations Department of Kuwait Municipality revealed that owners of 59 houses had heeded the notices issued to them and evicted bachelors living there. The department confirmed that it was committed to continuing the campaign with the cooperation of concerned authorities. The department also added that it would deal seriously and follow-up on any complaints received from citizens and expatriates about bachelors living in housing and model areas.

The department also clarified that during the campaign, the inspection teams had contacted the Ministry of Justice to block 83 real-estate files so as to compel owners to complete the necessary legal measures. In addition the department said it dealt with 117 complaints received through its hotline number 139 or via the social media account of Kuwait Municipality (@kuwmun).

The press release also provided a governorate-wise account of the activities conducted by the department as part of the ‘bachelor eviction’ campaign.

In Capital Governorate, 28 warnings were issued, 39 complaints were dealt with, bachelors were evacuated from 11 houses by the owners, seven files were blocked for properties that were rented out to bachelors, electricity to six houses were disconnected, and 18 houses were searched with the cooperation of Ministry of Interior.

In Farwaniya Governorate, 146 citations and 131 warnings were issued, bachelors were evacuated from 31 houses by the owners, 11 acknowledgments were sent, 13 files were blocked for properties that were rented out to bachelors, and electricity was disconnected from 13 houses.

In Ahmadi Governorate, 169 citations have been issued, bachelors were evacuated from five houses by the owners, 67 files were blocked for properties that were rented out to bachelors, and electricity was disconnected from 34 houses.In addition, citations against 81 houses and 81 warnings were issued.

In Hawally Governorate, 15 citations and four warnings were issued against houses in which bachelors were caught residing.


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