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MPs refuse to change date of ‘Corona’ session, amid government announcement that it will not attend

Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Muhammad Al-Rajhi affirmed that the government, represented by the Ministry of Health, has no objection to holding a special session or allocating time during a regular session to discuss and answer all questions and proposals of MPs contained in the request to hold a special session regarding the health situation resulting from the Corona pandemic and the procedures for health requirements scheduled for tomorrow’s (Sunday) session.

Minister Al-Rajhi said in a statement to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), today, Saturday, that due to the lack of time and the preoccupation of the Ministry of Health and the technical and administrative teams of (Corona) in the face of the pandemic, after the rise in the epidemic index in recent days and the high rate of occupancy in hospital and intensive care units, the government asked the Speaker of the National Assembly to coordinate with the brother MPs to postpone the date of the session for a few days so that the ministry, along with the concerned medical staff, would be ready to respond to the queries the MPs. “However, we were informed of the refusal to change the date, so the government has announced its inability to attend the session,” reports Al-Rai quoting the minister.

He stressed that the government is open to hearing all the observations, visions and proposals of fellow members in a manner that enhances the preservation of the general health of the community and responds to all the questions contained in the request of the representatives and the questions and recommendations that may be raised during the session at any time to be agreed upon later.

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