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Mosques, Ramadan centers return to pre-pandemic era

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Farid Emadi, chaired a coordination meeting with the assistant undersecretaries in the ministry to determine its preparations for the holy month of Ramadan.

Emadi announced that an integrated plan has been developed in all sectors and departments of the Ministry of Awqaf to receive the blessed month of Ramadan. Emadi said in a press statement: “The Ministry of Awqaf has drawn up its plan to receive the month of Ramadan, after the Cabinet announced worshippers will be allowed to pray in mosques and lessons and lectures will be organized, with the aim of creating an appropriate atmosphere befitting the holy month, reports a local Arabic daily.

Emadi indicated that the assistant undersecretaries in the Ministry of Awqaf put all the capabilities of their competent departments to equip all mosques and Ramadan centers that the ministry used to organize during the years preceding the pandemic.

He indicated that mosques will receive the worshipers in Tarawih prayers and prayers during the blessed month of Ramadan, as was usual before the pandemic. He concluded by emphasizing the keenness of the Ministry of Awqaf to implement all health requirements approved by the health authorities in the country, in order to ensure the safety of worshipers and to enable them to perform prayer.

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