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Monitoring of epidemiological situations is the key to resume airport operations

Concerned sources in the aviation, tourism and travel sectors have warned of the dangers of continuing what they described as “superficial dealings” with the airport, which is evident in sudden decisions, without having clear scientific foundations for the basis of these decisions, Al Rai daily reported.

The sources told Al-Rai that “making the decision and canceling it after a few hours has become a recurring happening, which reflects the absence of sound and clear foundations on which the decision-maker builds the general picture of the situation before issuing his decision, especially since the plan was to open the airspace again and then suspend work on it, the decisions were issued. Then, it was cancelled in a shorter time than that, with the same variables on which the decisions were issued earlier.”

Taking the decisions at the present time lacks transparency, as the details of the cases and their sources are not announced, which made the airport always in the forefront as a “main suspect” or source of infections, though it is innocent of the increasing number of infections due to the strict measures taken in dealing with all arrivals.

Sources considered that suspending entry from all countries is a pointless measure, in light of the strict measures taken including frequent checks for arrivals to ensure their safety, as well as institutional quarantine to isolate them, which are measures to prevent the mutated virus from entering the country from abroad.

The daily reported, quoting sources, the health authorities have a real ability to end the airport crisis by pushing for epidemiological investigations and frequent monitoring to eliminate the policy of generalization in taking measures to prevent all arrivals.

The sources stated that the results of the epidemiological investigation and monitoring policy at Kuwait Airport allows for the health authorities to assess the seriousness of the conditions in each category separately from the reality of the official figures, and in that case they can issue immediate instructions to suspend flights coming from any country with coronavirus figures showing significant rates of infection/

The source added, “The current policy of preventing entry from all countries in this way without relying on real numbers or data negatively affects Kuwait Airport, which will have high negative consequences on all sectors related to various activities at the airport.”

The sources pointed to the current special testing centers with their capabilities to examine all arrivals to Kuwait in a 100 percent manner and noted a database was available with their test results, which is required to be updated periodically and daily.

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