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MoI reviews traffic security measures for start of academic year 2023-24

Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Sheikh Talal Khalid Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, chaired a security meeting with the assistant undersecretaries to discuss the preparations for the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, reported Al-Rai Daily.

In the meeting, Al-Khaled reviewed the security and traffic deployment mechanism throughout the country and directed the need to intensify security presence on highways and all major and subsidiary intersections leading to schools.

The Minister stressed the need to deal with traffic congestion promptly, be firm in confronting any wrong behavior, and be courteous and provide assistance to motorists on the roads to ensure everyone reaches their destination safely.

Al-Khaled expressed his confidence in the ability of the Ministry of Interior’s employees to perform the assigned tasks and achieve the desired goals by cooperation and work in the spirit of one team. With the start of the new academic year approaching, the Ministry is committed to ensuring the safety and security of everyone on the roads.

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