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MOI official imprisoned on charges of human trafficking

The Appeals Court sentenced an officer working in the Ministry of Interior (MOI) with the rank of colonel and 7 other Egyptians to 3 years in prison, Arabic daily reported.

The Egyptians will also be deported after the completion of their punishment. The judgment was passed on one of the human trafficking cases that appeared during the Corona crisis.

Prosecutors charged the defendants with committing the crime of trafficking in persons, by using lies and deception, promising a better life and opportunities to make money in a company run by the colonel (the director of the company).

The first accused (the director of the company) confiscated the passports of the victims and defrauded them as they were promised work in various professions in return for a wage of 150 dinars each, and other benefits, but they were exploited by obtaining their money and restricting their freedom.

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