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MOH urges all to follow guidelines to prevent spread of Coronavirus

Kuwait Ministry of Health has stressed the importance of following the protocol to prevent and protect Kuwait and its citizens.  Hence, the following are the procedures for MoH employees to take precautions.

Arriving guests:

  1. Speak to them about the current situation in Kuwait so they are aware.
  2. Ask about their travel history in the recent few months.
  3. Anyone with any signs of any illness or common cold, slight temperature should avoid visiting Kuwait as they could be quarantined at the airport.

Cautionary advice to be followed in the office and by staff:

  1. Minimize exposure by limiting your presence in crowded areas and avoid close contact with people and public assemblies.
  2. Use hand sanitizer frequently, especially after exposure to public places, and wash hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  3. The face mask is recommended, although it may not be entirely secure.
  4. Avoid touching the mouth area with hands.
  5. Visit the nearest physician in case of doubt over sudden experiencing of flu symptoms.
  6. Kuwait hotline numbers in case you need advice or report anything on COVID-19.

22531092, 25311346, 24796729, 24572456, 24826592

For reference from Ministry of Health, everyone should read:

As the National and Liberation Days are coming up, the residents of Kuwait are also encouraged to follow the above precautionary procedures.

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