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MoH underlines importance of staying at home

As a result of the new partial curfew to curb the spread of coronavirus, the Ministry of Health Spokesperson Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, underlined the importance for everyone to stay at home and avoid contacts when leaving the house for the sake of everyone’s health.

At the daily conference, Al-Sanad said the new virus, no matter how dangerous, “we can reverse its course, but we need to fully understand and have faith in our ability to do so, and limit its spread, and that is not impossible.” He added that this was proven through work conducted in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which was the focus of where the virus was first detected, but now things are changing and other areas became the focus of this virus.

Meanwhile, in Kuwait, he stated that today only one confirmed case of coronavirus infection was confirmed in the past 24 hours, and it belongs to a Kuwaiti female citizen who traveled to UAE recently, bringing the number of infections in the country to 189 cases.

Al-Sanad added that the number of cases receiving medical care has become 159, while the number of cases that have recovered completely remained at 30 cases.

The spokesperson noted the number of cases receiving intensive medical care has remained at five cases, three of them in critical conditions and two are stable.

Regarding quarantine people, Al-Sanad pointed out that the total number of those who ended the quarantine period has reached 702 people, adding that the number of test samples has reached 17,010 cases.

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