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MoH preparing a new countries list from where direct flights are prohibited

The health authorities are preparing a new list of high-risk countries from where direct flights are not permitted to enter Kuwait, based on the study and analysis of the global coronavirus conditions to be organized by the Ministry of Health (MoH), Al Qabas reported, quoting an informed source at Kuwait International Airport.

The source pointed out that the devices operating at the airport are waiting for MoH to provide a report on the assessment of the coronavirus status of these countries, and accordingly, some of them will be placed on the list of high-risk countries, or flights from these countries will be allowed to operate to Kuwait airport.

The source stated that after the list of high-risk countries is released by MoH, those coming from these countries cannot travel to Kuwait on direct flights, except after spending 14 transit days in non-prohibited countries, and then they can enter the country, while adhering to the health requirements of those coming to the country.

There is the possibility that the MoH will remove some countries from the list of high-risk countries, flights will be allowed to operate directly with them while maintaining health requirements and institutional quarantine.

However, the source indicated that in the event the new high-risk countries list is not received, the airport will be forced to permit flights directly from all countries.

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