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MoH offers clarification on home quarantine directive

In response to queries from various quarters regarding the earlier circular from the  Ministry of Health (MoH) imposing a compulsory home quarantine for people arriving from seven countries that currently have a flight ban in place, the ministry has provided additional clarification.

In a new circular on Sunday, the MoH said that in addition to the seven countries of Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Lebanon, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Syria, passengers coming in from another 14 countries — Azerbaijan, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, and Thailand —  would also have to undergo home quarantine. 

The ministry also made clear that people coming from these 21 countries would have to follow preventive health procedures and guidelines initiated by the ministry to prevent the spread of COVID-19 outbreak.

The ministry added that on the other hand, people coming from China, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Italy and South Korea would have to undergo institutional quarantine at hospitals or in the designated quarantine zones.  

The names of countries on the quarantine list would be updated regularly based on the infection developments in the world and the region and in accordance with the international medical regulations, said MoH. The ministry also urged Kuwaitis and expatriates in the country not to travel abroad, as long as the threat of COVID-19 infection remains.


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