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MoH initiates precautions against coronavirus

Ministry of Health spokesperson, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, stated in an official press release that the ministry is taking all measures and precautions against the spread of the deadly new coronavirus (nCoV), by following all the latest information and developments with regard to respiratory illnesses caused by the virus, and working in coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other concerned international and regional entities.

The virus, which first appeared in China and has killed scores there has now spread to several other countries. Revealing that there are no cases of nCoV infections in Kuwait, Al-Sanad stressed the need to follow the advice of doctors and specialists  and take precautionary measures, including always washing hands well with soap and water. He also pointed to the importance of avoiding interacting with people having acute respiratory illnesses, and visiting patients in hospital, as well as avoiding, as much as possible, visiting countries affected by the disease.

On an unrelated note, the Head of the Diabetes Unit in Amiri Hospital, Dr. Abdulnabi Al-Attar, revealed that nearly 20 percent of Kuwaitis are suffering from diabetes particularly those above the age of 30, He added that Kuwait is among the top ten countries with the highest rate of diabetes and stressed the need to pay attention to this disease and take medication at the early stages to reduce the effect.

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