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MOH forms supreme committee to contain emerging infectious diseases

The Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, has issued a ministerial decision to form the Supreme Committee to address what he called the emerging diseases of an infectious nature.

The committee specializes in updating the multi-sectoral integrated strategy and action plan for the prevention and response to emerging and emerging diseases in society of an infectious nature and related risk factors, reports a local Arabic daily.

The decision also gives the committee the authority to request all necessary medicines and medical equipment to confront the emerging infectious diseases, and work to limit the documentary cycle of these requests in light of Public Tenders Law No. 49 of 2016 and its amendments, as well as take all necessary measures to monitor and address developments that occur in the epidemiological situation of society.

Article 4 of the decision specifies the dates for holding the committee’s meetings, provided that they are held periodically, and whenever the need arises, and its meeting is not valid unless half of the members are present, including the chairman or vice-chairman.

Its meetings shall be governed by the provisions of Civil Service Council decision No. 41 of 2016 regarding the work of the committees, their meetings, and voting on their decisions, provided that the committee submits, in accordance with the provisions of the fifth item of its formation decision, a periodic report on the results of its work and recommendations to the Minister of Health to take the necessary action in this regard in accordance with the rules and regulations followed in this regard.

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