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MOH electronically links 117 primary health centers, 4 hospitals

The Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, announced that an electronic link has been activated between 117 primary health care centers to organize and control dispensing of medicines, as well as prevent any wastage, reported an Arab daily. It also linked four hospitals in Jahra, Farwaniya, Jaber and Mubarak Al-Kabeer. Al-Awadi stressed that the issue of drug security is a priority, and the ministry is working round-the-clock to provide medicines.

He added that more than one committee has been formed in warehouse management and health leaders to provide medicines non-stop. Ministry leaders visited six public hospitals on Friday, particularly the accident and general surgery departments to observe the process of dispensing medicines, and availability of alternatives, in emergency pharmacies. Moreover, he called on patients and auditors to ask about alternatives if needed, as he said the ministry is keen on providing the drug system and enhancing stocks.

Furthermore, the ministry is dedicated to developing its medical services in the field of robotic surgery to raise quality, improve performance and reduce side effects. The minister noted that the MOH has carried out at least 800 operations using robots, 300 of them during the past three years, while emphasizing its future role in medical surgeries.

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