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MOH determined to reduce waiting period, increases number of specialized clinics

In the context of its steps aimed at developing the level of health care and services, after it caught its breath after the end of the battle with “Corona”, the Ministry of Health is moving to increase the number of specialized clinics in care centers in various regions of the country, to reduce the waiting period for appointments, reduce overcrowding, diversifying and improving services.

The Ministry of Health is currently working to develop the level of healthcare and services on more than one aspect and axis, including the expansion of the opening and launching of more specialized clinics in primary health care centers in more than one region, reports a local Arabic daily.

While the inauguration of the Department of Ophthalmology at the new Jahra Hospital, it opened a few days ago an ophthalmology clinic at the Abdul Rahman Al-Zaid Health Center in the suburb of Mubarak Al-Abdullah, according to informed health sources.

The sources pointed out that the expansion of the opening of specialized clinics in all health centers will contribute significantly to relieving pressure on public hospitals and specialized centers for some diseases, adding that the opening of such clinics is to keep pace with the increase in the population of the country in recent years.

The sources confirmed told the daily the launch of specialized clinics in primary care centers will lead to a reduction in the appointments granted to visitors in some specialties, indicating that among the specialized clinics available at the Abdul Rahman Al-Zaid Center are clinics for general medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, dentistry, mental health, and nose and ear.

The ministry drew the attention to the Ministry of Health’s keenness on the equal distribution of medical and nursing staff in primary care centers in the various health regions, in addition to providing modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment and making them available on a wider level in the centers, as well as paying attention to the axis of health surveys, studies and research, enhancing the capabilities of workers, and enhancing trust between the health center and society through awareness programs organized by the centers from time to time.

7 reasons of establishing more clinics

— Reducing the waiting period given to some patients for some specialties

— Reducing pressure on public hospitals and specialized centers

— Keeping abreast with the remarkable increase in population numbers in recent years

— Ensuring equal distribution of doctors and nurses in different regions

— Enhancing the role of centers within the comprehensive care system provided to the population

— Expanding the availability of modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment in various centers

— Strengthening the capabilities of workers and strengthening trust between the health center and the community

The sources stated that the Ministry of Health recently obtained the approvals of the Central Agency for Public Tenders, for the extension of the contract for the supply, development, modernization and maintenance of the system and central archiving devices to manage the central registry of births and deaths for a period of 6 months, starting from the 1st of next December, pending the completion of the procedures for awarding the new tender.

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