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MOH confirms zero monkeypox cases in Kuwait

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that there are currently no reported cases of monkeypox in the country, while stressing that the World Health Organization is actively coordinating with authorities. Officials also said that Kuwait’s health system, as well as, health authorities from neighbouring states are prepared and abreast with the latest developments on the epidemic. Dismissing the news on social media, director of Jahra Hospital 2, Dr. Jamal Al-Duaij, said in a press statement that there are no cases of monkeypox in the hospital and that the patient that was transferred from Al-Adan Hospital was diagnosed with a dermatological disease and does not display any symptoms of the monkeypox disease based on precautionary PCR exams.

Health sources reiterated that none of the hospitals, including Jahra Hospital 2, has reported any cases of the disease until Friday morning, and that the MOH is directly in touch with WHO on the latest developments aimed at dealing with the disease should cases occur in the near future.

Moreover, authorities are adamant against issuing strict protocols on international travels, especially on passengers flying from disease-ridden countries, noting that due to the coronavirus pandemic, Kuwait’s medical and nursing staff has trained well in handling infectious diseases so that no tightening of health security at land or airports is necessary. Health officials reassured there is no cause for concern despite the spread of monkeypox in Europe, North and South America, the Western Pacific, and in some eastern Mediterranean countries, as global cooperation is steadfast in responding to any contagion and protecting people with weak immunity.

The latest data from global health organizations reported 40,000 cases of monkeypox from 92 countries, with 12 complication-related deaths. Moreover, the US reported 14,000 cases, Spain has over 5000, UAE has 16, Lebanon has 6, Saudi has 6, Qatar reported 3, and one each in Morocco and Sudan. Health authorities are keen on taking necessary steps in promoting public health by coordinating with the WHO, following up on epidemiological developments, upgrading the efficacy of the medical and nursing system, and raising community awareness on epidemics.

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