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MOCI postpones the decision to reduce the quantities of sugar and rice ration

The Minister of Commerce and Industry (MOCI), Dr. Abdullah Al-Salman, has postponed the ministry’s plans to reduce the quantities of rice and sugar disbursed, as other alternatives are being discussed, Al-Rai reported.

MOCI officials had started coordinating with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the possibility of reducing some ration rations, especially rice and sugar, indicating that the recent period witnessed a significant decline in the enthusiasm of ministry officials regarding this step.

MOCI’s move to reduce some food rations came with the implementation of the Cabinet’s decision to take the necessary measures towards analyzing the disbursement of basic food supplies to eligible people with low incomes and to reconsider the individual’s quota of basic foodstuffs, and in response to the recommendations of the Food Authority.

The sources pointed out that the plan was to reduce the quota of rice granted from 6.25 per person to 5 kilograms and to reduce the per capita sugar quota to one kilogram instead of the current 2 Kilogram.

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