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Misunderstanding sends Al-Ajmi to jail in Thailand

The Kuwaiti ambassador to Thailand, HE Muhammad Al-Failakawi, who is closely following up the case of Kuwaiti citizen Mubarak Al-Ajmi who was arrested in Thailand on the grounds that he was stole a mobile phone said, “We are awaiting the appeal in the case, and God willing, we will hear good news.”

Al-Failakawi told Al-Seyassah daily that the Kuwaiti embassy in Thailand is closely following up Al-Ajmi’s case. He added, “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of all the details regarding of the case and has taken all necessary measures.”

The incident happened when Al-Ajmi accompanied by his father was in Thailand for treatment for 6 months, and during his return to Kuwait at Bangkok airport, an airport employee mistakenly replaced his mobile phone with another traveler’s phone that looked similar to his phone, which prompted the traveler to accuse Mubarak of stealing her phone.

In an attempt to blackmail him, the traveler demanded that he pay 100,000 baht (about 850 Kuwaiti dinars) in exchange for waiving the fabricated charge, but Al-Ajmi refused, so he was detained for a month and a half and prevented from leaving Thailand, and subsequently was sentenced to one and a half years in prison.

Social media circulated the case, confirming that Al-Ajmi is still detained in a hotel although he is released on financial bail, noting at the same time the resulting material damages, including the suspension of his salary in Kuwait as a result of his suspension from work due to absence.

It is noteworthy that the video of the incident was transcribed and published on a Thai channel and proves Mubarak Al-Ajmi’s innocence of the charge and at the same time reveals how the inspection employee mistakenly interchanged the phones.

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