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Ministry warns defaulters to pay overdue bills of landline phones

The Ministry of Communications has called on ‘everyone’ to pay their telephone bills to avoid the disconnection of the landline telephone service, as of March 13, 2022.

The ministry indicated that those who have defaulted should take the initiative to pay their dues directly through the Ministry’s website or by visiting any of the ministry’s departments, reports Al-Jarida daily.

The Ministry of Communications also called on the space exploiters inside and outside the ministry’s buildings and divisions (offices – devices – cabins – antennas), as well as subscribers to the “Leased line – NGN – ISDN – 800 – E1 – antenna – fiber – triple-band” services to take the initiative to pay the financial dues arising there from to the Ministry, no later than 3/13/2022, by visiting the Financial Affairs Department – Controlling Commercial Accounts in the Shuwaikh area “Ministry Building” No. “3” on the third floor during official working hours in order to avoid stopping the provision of services related to those spaces and also cutting the service And take the necessary legal measures to collect its dues.

The Ministry of Communications clarified that in the event of non-payment by the customer of the amounts owed by him, the ministry will take the necessary legal measures to collect its financial dues.

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