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Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues urgent warning regarding security vulnerability in iPhone’s “iMessage” feature

The Department of Information and Communications Technology at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a crucial advisory urging all ministry employees and users of “iPhone” devices to disable the “iMessage” feature immediately, reports Al-Rai Daily.

This cautionary measure comes in response to the identification of a security vulnerability within the service, which could potentially be exploited by malicious attackers to compromise the device’s security.

The warning specifically targets individuals within the ministry who utilize “iPhone” devices. By taking this precautionary step, employees can help safeguard their personal and sensitive information from potential breaches.

If left enabled, the exploit could be utilized by attackers to gain unauthorized access to devices, potentially compromising confidential data and breaching privacy.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology is urging all affected users to follow the prescribed mitigation measures and disable the “iMessage” feature until further notice.

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