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Ministry approval required for outsiders to conduct activities inside schools

The Ministry of Education called on school administrations to prohibit foreign parties from conducting educational activities inside schools without obtaining a written approval from the Ministry.

The Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Development and Activities, Faisal Al-Maqsed, circulated a bulletin stressing on some organizational matters to facilitate the workflow and achieve the goals for the success of the educational process, addressing the Department of Educational Activities in the Educational District to coordinate with the proposed entity, while adhering to the bulletin regarding organizing lectures and holding seminars. The instructions are as follows:

1 – Not to receive any external party with the aim of holding activities or events inside schools, unless they have obtained a written approval from the Educational Development and Activities Sector – the Department of School Activities or the Departments of Educational Activities in the Educational Districts.

2 – When the army, the National Guard, or the police band is used to visit schools, these visits should be limited to the intermediate and secondary school boys only.

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