Rumors have been circulating for some time that the newly formed Kuwaiti Cabinet of Ministers will likely hand in its resignation.

Only recently, the government abstained from joining a parliamentary session scheduled for Wednesday, where 38 MPs agreed to interrogate the Prime Minister, Sabah Al Khaled Al Sabah.

The motion to interrogate the prime minister was put forth by three MPs, Bader Al Dahoom, Thamer Al Suwait and Khaled Al Moanes, on Tuesday.

They filed the motion under a couple of clauses, one of which that the Prime Minister failed to adhere to Article 98 of the Kuwaiti Constitution which states, “upon formation, every Ministry shall submit its program to the National Assembly and the Assembly may express whatever comments it deems appropriate thereon.”

It is within an MPs right to file a motion against any minister, including the prime minister. If the motion moves ahead, then a vote of no confidence is taken against the minister being questioned. As per Article 101 of the constitution, ministers are not allowed to take part in the vote.

The Cabinet of Ministers was formed less than a month ago on December 14, where there was a grand reshuffling, with only six of the 16 ministers had served in the previous cabinet.