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Minister forms Amiri Pardon committee for 2022

The Minister of Interior Sheikh Thamer Al-Ali has issued a decision to form a committee to study and lay down the rules for the Amiri pardon for the year 2022.

The committee will be headed by the Attorney General, Counselor Muhammad Al-Duaij with Dr. Manayer Al-Ajran from the Amiri Diwan, Director of Criminal Execution Prosecution Mishaal Al-Ghannam, his assistant Dhari Al-Mujil, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Correctional Institutions Affairs and Sentence Execution Major General Talal Ma’arafie, Brigadier General Nasser Al-Yahya from the Sentence Execution Department, Colonel Juqi Hammoud Al-Hamidi from Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, and Colonel Khaled Al-Daihani from the Judgment Execution Department as members.

The decision also states that the committee is responsible for writing down the rules and regulations for the Amiri Amnesty Decree for the year 2022, taking into account the views of the concerned authorities without prejudice to the requirements of public security and in accordance with the rules of justice.

The decision stipulates the committee work begins on the day of the issuance of the decision and must submit a report to the Ministry of Interior for a follow up on the procedures.

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