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Mechanisms put in place to monitor cleaning companies contracts

The Deputy Director-General for Services Sector Affairs and Head of the Cleaning Committee, Khalaf Al-Mutairi, confirmed that the new cleaning contracts include proposals to develop the mechanism for controlling contract work.

Al-Mutairi said that the hygiene committee reviewed, in its meeting, the recommendations of the investigation committee formed by Ministerial Resolution No. 183 of 2021, which concluded with the recommendations to develop a mechanism for oversight and inspection of private cleaning contracts by contract supervisors and relevant technical bodies, and take disciplinary measures against anyone who is proven to be negligent in performing their duties, and to refer anyone who decides to do so to the Public Authority for Combating Corruption (Nazaha) and the Public Prosecution for this represents waste and abuse of public money.

Al-Mutairi explained that with regard to the recommendation of the Public Hygiene Committee, regarding housing all workers and drivers of public hygiene companies contracting with the municipality in the storage sites designated for them in the new public cleaning work contracts, the committee had recommended, at its meeting held on November 3, 2020, to approve housing for workers and drivers.

Cleaning companies contracting with the municipality in the storage sites allocated to them in the new public hygiene contracts, whose documents are currently being prepared by the Public Hygiene Committee, according to the reasons and justifications that the committee relied on in the minutes of the meeting.

He hoped to hold a meeting with representatives of the organization sector to discuss the status of the requirements it decided on the establishment of housing for workers of public hygiene contracts in the storage sites, so that the Public Hygiene Committee could take its affairs and take the necessary measures to include these requirements in the tender documents of the new public hygiene contracts.

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