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Mass transportation must abide by the 50 percent rule – Al-Mizrem

In response to cabinet decisions, Kuwait Government Spokesman Tareq Al-Mizrem noted that general transportation, like buses, must abide by the 50 occupants rule, noting that such decision will not in small vehicles, or taxi drivers.

Regarding the government’s attendance of the two special sessions of the National Assembly next Wednesday and Thursday, the spokesman affirmed on the government’s readiness to “attend Thursday’s session in order to enhance cooperation and in light of the prior coordination that took place between the two branches.”

He praised the “distinguished cooperation” between the Ministry of Health and the National Assembly regarding the implementation of health guidelines and requirements, including conducting a PCR examination before each session in order to preserve the health of ministers, representatives and workers in the General Secretariat of the National Assembly.

On another front, Al-Mizrem called on everyone not to pay attention to rumors and inaccurate news reports, noting that “so far, the option of a locked down has not been discussed.” Earlier, Al-Mizrem said the health authorities keep a close watch on the cases of infection with coronavirus (Covid-19) at schools countrywide.

“The health situation is generally satisfactory,” he affirmed at a presser following the weekly cabinet meeting chaired by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Sabah. – KUNA

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