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Maritime borders demarcation technical committee to meet in Baghdad mid-August.

The Iraqi ambassador to Kuwait Al-Manhal Al-Safi has praised the recent visit of Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah to Iraq, characterizing it as “successful and productive.”

He emphasized that the meetings were conducted in a spirit of transparency, honesty, and fraternity, reports Al-Qabas daily.

During the discussions, all pending matters between the two countries were addressed thoroughly, and the ambassador highlighted the active participation of various stakeholders. It was agreed that specialized technical committees would continue their work, and they successfully concluded their discussions within the agreed timeframe.

The ambassador further disclosed that the next meeting of the technical committee responsible for demarcating maritime borders is scheduled to take place in Baghdad in mid-August.

Additionally, both nations explored opportunities for collaborative efforts in combating the drug trade, recognizing it as a regional threat that particularly affects the youth. They reached a complete consensus on this matter.

Furthermore, the talks included discussions about inviting Kuwaiti investors and businessmen to explore the promising Iraqi market. Iraq presents significant investment potential in various sectors such as construction, contracting, and energy, among others.

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