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Marburg Outbreak Controlled in Tanzania

The Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania to the State of Kuwait would like to inform general public, visitors and potential travelers on the precautionary measures which have been taken by the Government of the United Repulic of Tanzania following the outbreak of Marburg Viral Disease (MVD) in Bukoba District, North-Western part of Tanzania as follows:

i. The Government immediately notified the WHO on the disease outbreak for information sharing and in order to alert other neighbouring countries to take preventive measures

Identified, quarantined and is monitoring all persons in the contact tracing list;

ii. Continued to strengthen surveillance and preventive measures in place to avoid the spread of the disease;

iii. Government has strengthened surveillance in the ward and villages of the affected community. A total of 161 people who came into contact with the patients have been identified and are being monitored. In order to prevent the spread of infection, people who have interacted with the patients are prevented from leaving their homes for a period of 21 days; and

iv. No new cases of virus reported, that means, the virus has been contained in two wards within the Kagera region and the contacts are being monitored.

Taking into account of those precautionary measures that have been undertaken have had positive impact on the containment of the epidemic and prevent its spread outside the infected area. Therefore, the Embassy of The United Republic of Tanzania wishes to assure the general public, visitors and all international travellers that Tanzania remains safe and are encouraged to continue with their programs as planned.

Furthermore, The Kagera Region where the Marburg outbreak occurred, is tucked away on the Western side of Lake Victoria. The Region is bordered with Uganda to the North and Rwanda to the West. Burundi to the South West and it takes 20+ hours bus ride (or two flights) to get there from Dar- Es- Salaam or Zanzibar.
This is to illustrate that Kagera geographical location is far away from all Tanzania International entry points namely Dar es salaam, Zanzibar and Kilimanjaro.

According to the statemen issued by the Minister of Health Hon. Ummy Mwalimu on 4th April, 2023 on the current status of the Marburg outbreak, shows that a 26-year-old male patient was discharged from the hospital while the number of cases had not increased since the outbreak was reported.
In a new development, the UN Word Health Organization (WHO) applauded Tanzania’s rapid reaction to the outbreak adding that it stood ready to assure there is no gaps in response.

Due to all precautionary measures that have been undertaken by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Embassy would like to inform all potential visitors, travel agents, tour operators and the business community that Tanzania is safe and secured destination now, during Eid Festival and beyond.

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