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Manpower sector of PAM to check on those who receive govt support  

The national manpower sector of the Public Authority for Manpower, in January 2022 is expected to go after Kuwaitis who receive government support to work in the private sector and are registered under Chapter Three of General Organization for Social Insurance to ensure they are on the job.

Reliable sources told Al-Jarida the aim is to know their exact numbers in the private sector and then take decisions which are expected to be issued soon, to bring their privileges on par with their counterparts in the government sector and also to stop support for those who are found to be receiving it illegally.

According to the sources the Third Chapter workers make up about 80% of the total national workforce, who receive approximately 35 million dinars per month in government support, stressing that PAM is determined to fight fake employment in the private sector, and limit the disbursement of support only to those who deserve it, meaning who actually ‘are on the job’.

The sources added that “the total number of those registered under Chapters Three and Five ranges between 65 and 68 thousand, and receive more than half a billion dinars annually,” stressing that according to the expected campaigns, the actually working citizens who are entitled to “employment support” will be identified, and support to others will be stopped and money that the state spent on them will be recovered.

The sources stressed several court verdicts have been issued against citizens obliging them to return the amounts taken illegally, pointing out that if the debtor citizen joins government work, the amount he received is deducted from his salary on a monthly basis.

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