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Manpower Authority to open new markets for domestic workers soon

The Public Authority for Manpower’s Director of the Domestic Workers Recruitment Department, Nasser Al-Mousawi, stated that he is working diligently to expand markets for the recruitment of domestic workers, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to streamline procedures for signing memoranda of understanding with countries that want to send domestic workers to Kuwait.

In his statement to Al Anbaa, Al-Mousawi explained that some employees have the right to inspect recruitment offices and organizations that hire domestic workers and review their books, as well as seize violations. He also mentioned that 138 out of 428 offices and companies licensed by the authority were recorded violating rules in the past year, emphasizing that the department is supervising recruitment offices by increasing periodic inspections conducted by the department.

In terms of work organization, the department oversees the work of offices and companies that recruit domestic workers according to the Kuwaiti Domestic Labor Law of 2022, which states that obtaining an authorized license from the PAM is the first requirement for practicing the profession of recruiting domestic workers. The law also stipulates the conditions for obtaining the license and the obligations of recruitment offices and companies towards the parties involved in the domestic worker contract.

The Domestic Workers Law and its executive regulations establish the administrative measures that must be taken against offices and companies that violate the law. In addition, the department is responsible for settling disputes arising between parties to the contract according to the procedures specified by relevant regulations.

Moreover, the department has developed an annual work plan to diversify markets for the recruitment of domestic workers, create a favorable work environment to attract them, educate people about domestic labor law and the rights and duties of parties to the domestic labor contract, train staff, and intensify inspections of recruitment offices and companies to ensure compliance with regulations and laws.

The department is also working to develop automated systems for licensing the activity of recruiting domestic workers and receiving complaints, as well as statistical automated systems in cooperation with the Department of Information Systems Center in the Authority. It has also devised a media plan to raise awareness of its services, disseminate educational messages related to the rights and obligations of parties to the domestic labor contract, publish its achievements, and prevent the spread of false news related to domestic workers.

Further, regarding agreements and memoranda of understanding, the department aims to open new markets for the recruitment of domestic workers by collaborating with relevant authorities.

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