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Major changes await Al-Zour petrochemical complex

Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) plans to make major changes to the engineering and front end design of the $10 billion Al-Zour Petrochemical Complex project.

“At the moment, the Al-Qabas daily quoting MEED magazine sources, said the engineering design of the front end does not match what (KIPIC) wants, as there must be major changes in the designs and this means that it will take longer for the design to be completed,”.

In the annual plan recently issued by KIPIC, the company said it plans to bid for the corporate planning contract for the Al-Zour Integrated Complex Upgrade Program, as the contract will take six months to implement with the tender being issued in May this year, said MEED quoting insider source.

KIPIC’s annual plan says the company aims to tender corporate planning work in May this year, and sources believe the tender may be delayed due to the government’s resignation.

One of the sources went on to say: “The government’s resignation has wide repercussions on major projects in the sector in Kuwait, and there is no reason to believe that this project will be immune from delay and disruption.”

For most of 2022, KIPIC halted the project while it awaited the results of the final feasibility study conducted by UK-based research and advisory group Wood Mackenzie, at a time when the corporate planning contract could include studies related to “maximizing heavy crude oil” at the Al-Zour refinery, which currently produces low sulfur fuel oil.

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