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Main events, happenings around globe in 2022

The world witnessed some major events and happenings in 2022.

The following are major events related to international affairs, natural disasters, manmade catastrophes, global arms race, awards and achievements, and the passing of prominent figures.

International Affairs:

Jan 10: The United States imposed economic sanctions on two entities and six officials complicit in Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega’s regime, citing accusations of falsifying election results.

Jan 10: The European Union announced imposing sanctions on Nicaragua’s Vice-President Rosario Murillo, and a number of individuals and entities in view of the worsening situation in Nicaragua.

Jan 24: The European Union announced new financial aid worth EUR 1.2 billion for Ukraine, consisting of emergency loans and grants, to help it address its financing needs due to the conflict.

Jan 24: The United Kingdom announced withdrawing a number of its non-essential diplomats and their families from its embassy in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, due to mounting threats from Russia.

Jan 24: The United States ordered the departure of “eligible family members” from the US Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine “due to the continued threat of Russian military action.”

Jan 31: The African Union (AU) suspend Burkina Faso’s participation “in all AU activities until the effective restoration of constitutional order in the country”.

Jan 31: Mali gave French Ambassador to the capital, Bamako, 72 hours to leave, against the backdrop of French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian’s remarks criticizing the Maliantransitional government.

Feb 2: Armenian Flyone airlines launched first flight from Zvartnots International Airport in the capital Yerevan to the Turkish city of Istanbul, as a step towards normalizing ties.

Feb 3: Russia expelled the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) in retaliation for a German ban on broadcasts by Russia’s German Language Russia Today (RT).

Feb 6: 35th African summit, which took place in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, abolished the decision to grant Israel an observer status at the African Union (AU).

Feb 7: Italy suspended military cooperation deal with Ethiopia, signed in 2009, due to military operations in Tigray region.

Feb 10: Indonesia declared reaching an agreement with France to purchase 42 Rafale fighter jets.

Feb 11: Commitments were made at the One Ocean Summit, held in French city of Brest totake action to preserve biodiversity, stop overexploitation of marine resources, fight pollution and mitigate climate change.

Feb 12: The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Germany urged citizens in Ukraine to leave as soon as possible as tensions between Moscow and Kiev grow.

Feb 12: Italy decided on reducing number of diplomats in its Ukraine Embassy, and urged its citizens to leave in the wake of the deteriorating situation at the Ukraine-Russian borders.

Feb 12: The pentagon ordered the withdrawal and repositioning of members of the Florida National Guard stationed in Ukraine to train the Ukrainian forces, on pretext of mounting tensions in the area.

Feb 13: Australia instructed the evacuation of its embassy in Ukraine amidst fears of imminent Russian military operation.

Feb 14: The United States relocated its embassy from the capital Kiev to city of Lviv due to the dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian forces.

Feb 14: Greece called on its nationals in Ukraine to leave at once, cautioning them from travelling to any part of the Ukrainian lands.

Feb 17: The United Kingdom announced scrapping tier-one investor visas immediately, citing unspecified security concerns.

Feb 17: Russia expelled the United States’ deputy chief of mission in Moscow.

Feb 19: France called on its citizens in Ukraine to leave promptly due to security fears.

Feb 21: Russia recognized the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics.

Feb 21: The European Union imposed sanctions on five Russian parliament members for their support and execution of policies threatening the territorial integrity of Ukrainian lands.

Feb 21: Air France, Lufthansa halted flights to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

Feb 22: Russia announced diplomatic ties with regions of Luhansk and Donetsk.

Feb 22: The European Union slapped sanctions on Russia following its recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk separatist regions, as this is a breach of international law.

Feb 22: Austria recalled Russian Ambassador in Vienna, Dmitry Lyubinsky, to assert the necessity of respecting Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Feb 24: The European Union recalled Russian Ambassador Vladimir Chizhov recognized by the union in protest of the Russian military operation Ukraine.

Feb 24: Italy summoned Russian Ambassador in Rome to convey condemnation of Russia’s breach of international law.

Feb 24: Ukraine announced cutting diplomatic ties with Russia and urged citizens to take up arms and defend their homeland.

Feb 24: American Federal Aviation Administration expanded no-fly zone of American commercial flights over Eastern Europe to include Ukraine, Belarus and the west of Russia.

Feb 25: The European Union, and the bloc’s foreign ministers listed Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov among sanctions list following attack on Ukraine.

Feb 25: Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe suspended Russia’s membership in the committee and parliamentary assembly.

Feb 25: Britain recalled the Belarusian Ambassador to protest his country aiding Russia’smilitary exploits in Ukraine.

Feb 25: Russia banned British airlines from crossing its airspace.

Feb 25: Russia vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution denouncing its invasion of Ukraine and demanding it withdraws its troops, drafted by the United States and Albania.

Feb 26: Germany announced the arrival of Ukrainian refugees who fled their war-torn country.

Feb 26: Russia closed its airspace to Bulgarian, Polish and Czech airlines, in response to similar measures.

Feb 26: The European Union adopted a second set of sanctions against Moscow, including freezing the assets of President Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whilethe United States imposed adopted similar measures.

Feb 27: Austria, Belgium and Italy banned Russian aircraft from entering their airspace.

Feb 27: The Austrian Airlines (AUA) announced halting flight to-and-fro Russia.

Feb 27: France called on citizens to leave Russia and Belarus.

Feb 28: The United States announced the closure of embassy in Belarus and asked non-essential workers in embassy in Russia to leave.

Feb 28: Greek civil aviation authority declared banning Russian airlines from flying in itsairspace, and suspended Russian investors’ visas.

Feb 28: France transferred its embassy in Ukraine from capital Kiev to city of Lviv.

March 2: European Union suspend the broadcasting activities of Russia media outletsSputnik’ and RT/Russia Today.

March 2: The United States closed airspace for all Russian flights.

March 2: The United States imposed a package of sanctions on Russia and Belarus that targets defense-related entities.

March 5: Baltic Sea States suspended the membership of Belarus and Russia from their council.

March 11: Turkey transferred embassy from capital Kiev to Chernivtsi.

March 15: Russia slapped sanctions on high-level American individuals including President Joe Biden.

March 17: Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe suspended all relations with Belarus.

March 18: Britain’s communications regulator, Ofcom, revoked the Russian television channel RT’s license to broadcast in the United Kingdom.

March 21: Russia summoned the American Ambassador to Moscow, John Sullivan, to protest remarks made by President Joe Biden against Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

March 23: Russia expelled a number of American diplomats considering them persona-non-grata.

March 23: Council of Europe suspended Russia’s membership.

March 25: France recalled Russian ambassador on the pretext of Russian embassy tweets.

March 29: The Netherlands and Belgium expelled Russian diplomats citing accusations of espionage.

March 29: Russia expelled a number of workers in the embassies of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

March 29: The US deployed six electronic EA-18G Growler warfare aircraft to NATOairbase in Germany.

April 4: France expelled a number of Russian diplomats, citing security reasons.

April 4: France announced six Russian agents persona non grata.

April 5: the European Union declared 19 Russian diplomats working as part of Russia’spermanent delegation to the union persona non grata.

April 5: Italy expelled 30 Russian diplomats against backdrop of Russian military operation in Ukraine.

April 6: Greece and Luxemburg expelled Russian diplomats.

April 7: Russia imposed sanctions on 130 New Zealander officials and 228 Australian officials, as well as expelled a number of Irish diplomats.

April 7: Austria expelled four Russian diplomats due to Russian military operation in Ukraine.

April 8: Russia expelled 45 Polish diplomats in response to similar Polish decision.

April 11: Spain grants temporary protection to around 52,000 Ukrainian refugee fleeing warin their country.

April 13: Russia expelled Czech diplomat responding to similar Czech actions.

April 14: France reopened embassy in Kiev after it was moved to Lviv due to threats and dangers.

April 15: Russia expelled 18 employees working for the European Union delegation in Moscow.

April 16: Russia listed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and a number of British officials on sanctions list, in response to what it deemed unprecedented aggressive actions.

April 18: Russia expelled a number of Bulgarian diplomats.

April 19: A number of Dutch and Belgian diplomats were expelled from Russia.

April 19: The Netherlands reopened embassy in Ukrainian city of Lviv.

April 21: Russia closed down general consulates belonging to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuanian St. Petersburg and Pskov, deeming those working in the consulates persona non grata.

April 21: The Organization of American States suspended Russia’s permanent observer status.

April 23: Turkiye closed airspace to civil and military aircrafts carrying military personnel from Russia to Syria.

April 25: Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on agree on features of joint border commission.

April 25: 40 German diplomats expelled from Russia.

April 26: Russia expelled three Swedish diplomats.

April 27: Russia expelled eight Japanese diplomats and three Norwegian diplomats.

April 27: Russia released an American ex-marine in exchange of a Russian pilot held in the United States.

April 28: Japan and Germany agreed on continuing to work closely on keeping the Indo-pacific area free and open.

May 4: Russia imposed sanctions on 63 Japanese persons including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida banning them from entering Russia for an unspecified period.

May 5: Seven Swedish diplomats expelled from Russia, in response to similar actions.

May 9: Greece reopened embassy in Ukrainian capital of Kiev.

May 16: Mali withdrew from all bodies of the G5 Sahel alliance after it was blocked from assuming the group’s presidency.

May 18: The European Union announced return of an advisory mission to Ukrainian capital after withdrawal due to Russian military operation.

May 18: Finland and Sweden officially submitted request to join North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

May 18: The United States resumed operations in embassy in Kiev, Ukraine.

May 23: Turkiye announced it will no longer hold strategic council meetings with Greece following Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, remarks urging the US to block the sale of warplanes to Turkey.

May 25: The European Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom formed the atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) to support Ukraine in prosecuting crimes committed during Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

May 30: United States Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink, presented her credentials.

June 6: The United States imposed sanctions on the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Bosniak-Croat federation, Marinko Cavara, and the Serb Republic’s minister of health and social welfare, Alen Seranic, accusing them of threatening stability in the westBaltics.

June 7: The United Nations’ General Assembly members unanimously elected Hungarian diplomat, Csaba Korosi, to head the assembly’s 77th session.

June 9: United Nations National Assembly members voted to elect Ecuador, Japan, Malta,Mozambique and Switzerland as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for thenext two years.

June 14: Russia slapped sanctions on a number of British media personnel and defense figures.

June 23: The European Union granted Ukraine and Moldova candidate status.

June 27: Russia banned 43 Canadian persons from entering lands in response to similar Canadian measures.

June 28: Russian authorities included the wife of the US President Joe Biden and his daughter in the list of American personalities banned from entering Russian territory.

June 29: Canada announced opening four embassies in all of Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Armenia to bolster Canada’s diplomatic print and boost security and stability.

July 1: The United States of America announced Army General Christopher Cavoli as new commander of U.S. European Command.

July 1: Czech Republic assumed six-month presidency of the European Union, succeeding France.

July 5: NATO Ambassadors signed the Accession Protocols for Finland and Sweden at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

July 7: Spain’s Dr. Alvaro Lario elected president of the UN’s International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD).

July 12: Austria and Germany signed a joint declaration of cooperation in emergencies, especially in case of energy supply cut from Russia.

July 15: The European Union and Niger inked an agreement in Brussels to counter immigrant trafficking.

July 19: International Energy Agency announced Ukraine joining as an association country.

July 23: Turkiye summoned Swedish charges d’affaires in protest of what it considered propaganda in favor of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Gutenberg, southwest Sweden.

August 3: China suspended importing citruses and some fish from Taiwan, as well as halted exporting natural sands to the island against the backdrop of American house speaker Nancy Pelosi visit.

August 4: Russia expelled Norwegian Consul Elizabeth Ellingsen, citing hateful remarks against Russia.

August 4: The US Senate ratified membership for Sweden and Finland in NATO.

August 5: The White House has summoned China’s ambassador to condemn Beijing’sescalating actions and threats against Taiwan after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island.

August 5: China imposed sanctions on US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family members in accordance with relevant laws, after her visit to Taiwan.

August 5: Russia declared 14 Bulgarian diplomats persona non grata in response to similar measures taken by Bulgarian authorities.

August 5: China summoned European and Japanese diplomats on a statement by G7 and high Representative Josep Borrell on Taiwan.

August 8: The Chinese military continued joint combat exercises and training in the waters and airspace around Taiwan, following four days of live-fire military drills.

August 10: Britain recalled the Chinese ambassador to London citing aggressive Beijing actions towards Taiwan.

August 13: French President Emmanuel Macron rectified the protocol of Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

Sept 5: Russia banned American personnel from entering Russian lands, in response to similar US actions.

Sept 9: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appointed Austrian Volker Turks High Commissioner of human rights.

Sept 15: Spain rectified the protocol of Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

Sept 16: European Court for Human Rights announced that Russia is no longer part of European agreement for human rights.

Sept 26: Russia granted American former computer intelligence consultant Edward Snowden Russian nationality.

Sept 30: Russian President Vladimir Putin and regional leaders of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson signed treaties to annex the four southeastern Ukraine regions tothe Russian Federation.

Oct 3: Italy summoned Russian Ambassador in Rome to express condemnation of Moscow’s annexation of the four Ukrainian provinces.

Oct 5: Turkiye summoned Swedish Ambassador on the pretext of a government TV program offensive to Turkiye and its president.

Oct 5: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree transferring the property of seizure of the Zaporizhzhia (ZNPP) Nuclear Power Plant.

Oct 5: Japan reopened its embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev after a seven-month closure due to Russian military operation the country.

Nov 3: Russia recalled British Ambassador in protest of British acts against Russia, saying that this could escalate tensions between the two countries.

Nov 10: the European Union approved Croatia’s full membership to the Schengen area.

Nov 14: Britain withdrew from United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA) in Mali.

Nov 23: the European Union adopted a decision declaring Russia “a state sponsor of terrorism” due to its military operation against Ukraine.

Nov 23: South Korea opened a diplomatic mission to NATO in Belgium.

Nov 28: India, and France agreed in boosting defense and strategic cooperation. Followingfourth the annual defense dialogue.

Nov 30: European Union Ambassadors approved visa waiver suggestion for Kosovopassport holders, starting 2024.

Dec 2: The Netherlands declared support to Romania and Croatia joining the Schengen area, whereas it will be opposing Bulgaria.

Dec 7: The European commission declares appointing Belgian diplomat Frans van Daele a special envoy, to boost freedom of belief and religion outside of the European bloc.

Dec 8: Romania summoned Austrian Ambassador in protest of what it described as an unjustified and unfriendly position towards Romania joining the Schengen area.

Dec 8: The European Union approved unanimously Croatia’s membership in Schengen area.

Dec 8: Russia released American basketball player Britney Griner in exchange of Russianarms dealer Viktor Bout, as part of captive exchange deal.

Dec 9: Bucharest recalled its Ambassador in Vienna to negotiate as Austria vetoed Romania’s membership in the Schengen area.

Dec 13: European Union for European affairs approved granting Bosnia and Herzegovinacandidacy of union membership.

Dec 13: The European Union developed a new international envoy position concerned with executing sanctions. The position is occupied by former Secretary-General of the European Commission, David O’Sullivan.

Dec 13: The European Union impeached vice president Eva Kylie after she was arrested and charged with corruption.

Dec 15: The United States listed tens of Russian and Chinese companies on banned entity entitylist so that they cannot import certain US technologies without a license, citing national security.

Dec 16: Pakistan summoned Afghani charge d’affairs protesting border bombings,stressing that such incidents must be stopped.

Natural Disasters:

Jan 4: Five people meet their deaths following a snowstorm hitting the eastern United States.

Jan 17: Greece imposed financial fines of EUR 100 on individuals 60 year old or older, unvaccinated against covid-19.

Jan 18: An earthquake measuring 5.3 magnitudes on the Richter scale hit western Afghanistan and killed 26 people.

Feb 5: Coal mine blast in Pakistan’s Baluchistan region killed fives and left five others injured

Feb 7: Afghanistan announced 19 people were killed by an avalanche while crossing aremote mountain pass from Afghanistan to Pakistan.

Feb 11: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) declared that hurricane patisserie left no less than 94 people dead in Madagascar.

Feb 17: Brazil announced 78 people dead following floods in Rio de Janeiro.

Feb 18: Storm Eunice left in its wake three people dead, three others injured and major material losses, The United Kingdom reported.

Feb 18: The Netherlands declared three killed and three others injured in Belgium following Storm Eunice.

March 6: Six people dead and four injured in the aftermath of a hurricane hitting state ofIowa.

March 17: An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale killed three in Japan and wounded 212 others.

April 14: Tropical storm Megi killed 115 people in the Philippines.

May 6: 29 people dead due to floods in Afghanistan.

May 12: North Korea announces total shutdown after the discovery of first covid-19 infection.

May 20: Germany registered its first confirmed monkeypox case.

May 21: Switzerland confirmed first monkeypox infection.

May 21: Two dead and 44 injured due to hurricane in Michigan, the United States.

May 22: Austria recorded first monkeypox infection.

May 22: Floods, landslides and thunderstorms in northeast India killed 69 persons.

May 29: 44 people dead following heavy rains in northeast Brazil.

June 10: Greece confirmed first monkeypox case.

June 11: Turkiye announced death of one person due to floods caused by heavy rains in capital Ankara.

June 20: Heavy seasonal rains in northern India kill 137 persons.

June 22: A 6.1 magnitude earthquake killed 900 people in Afghanistan.

June 22: Singapore recorded first monkeypox case.

June 22: South Korea announced the first monkeypox infection in the country.

June 24: five dead and 10 injured in the aftershock of a large earthquake in Afghanistan.

June 30: Turkiye confirmed first monkeypox case.

July 8: Avalanche in Jammu and Kashmir, north India, near a Hindu temple killed 13 people.

July 19: Britain recorded its highest temperature of 40.2 Celsius.

July 21: Spain declared that the heatwave caused the death of 1,047 people.

July 27: An earthquake, measuring 7.1 magnitudes on Richter scale, killed one person in the Philippines.

July 29: Spain logs in first monkeypox-related death.

July 31: Floods in Pakistan killed 67 persons.

August 1: Spain declared the death of 2,124 people due to an extreme heat waves.

August 2: Floods in the American state of Kentucky killed 37 persons.

August 3: Pakistan announced the death of 15 people caused by heavy rains in Baluchistan province.

August 5: Two people struck by lightning near the White House were announced dead.

August 9: Eight dead and six were missing due to heavy rains affecting South Korea.

August 12: Britain declared a state of dehydration in the central, south and west of England due to lack of rain and rise in temperature.

August 13: 10 dead due to floods and heavy rains in Pakistan.

August 16: Heavy floods in Nigeria killed 50 people.

August 18: Two were killed, tens injured due to rainstorms and strong winds in northern andcentral Italy.

August 18: A thunderstorm in France caused the death of three persons.

August 18: China declared 16 dead due to a river flood.

August 20: 31 people were killed and several others were reported missing after landslides and flash floods hit north and eastern Indian states.

August 20: Indonesia recorded the first monkeypox case.

August 22: Afghanistan declared 20 people dead and 30 injured in floods.

August 30: The United States logged in first monkeypox-related death.

August 31: 27 people dead due to seasonal floods in Pakistan, taking the total of victims up to1,191 people.

Sept 5: 6.8 magnitude quake killed 65 people in China.

Sept 7: 10 people were killed in South Korea due to Typhoon Hinnamnor.

Sept 11: One dead, and tens were injured due to 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Papua Guinea.

Sept 16: Italy announced eight dead in a violent rainstorm.

Sept 17: 15 dead due to landslides caused by heavy rains in Nepal.

Sept 19: Niger announced 159 people dead due to floods.

Sept 26: The Philippines declared five people dead following Typhoon.

Oct 1: More than 80 dead in Hurricane Ian hitting the American states of Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Oct 4: 10 mountain climbers, others missing in an avalanche, in northern India.

Oct 4: Spain recorded its first human infection with bird flu.

Oct 10: Heavy rainfall in several parts of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh killed at least 25 people.

Oct 25: Cyclone Sitrang killed 24 people south Bangladesh.

Oct 31: The Philippines declared on Monday that 98 people perished in flash floods and landslides caused by the tropical storm “Nalgae” in southern Mindanao Island.

Nov 9: A 6.6 magnitude earthquake, hitting Nepal, killed six people.

Nov 18: Three Indian soldiers dead in Jammu and Kashmir due to an avalanche.

Nov 23: Turkiye announced one person dead, 50 others injured due to a 5.9 magnitude earthquake.

Nov 31: An earthquake, measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale, killed 268 people and wounding 390 in Indonesia.

Dec 15: Spain announced the death of one individual due to heavy rains causing floods in several areas across the country, including capital city of Madrid.

Dec 16: A landslide in Malaysia near the capital of Kuala Lumpur killed 21 people.

Manmade Catastrophes:

Jan 10: Nine children and ten adults were killed in a fire that broke out in a tall residential building in Bronx, New York.

Jan 13: Five people lost their lives while 45 others were injured as a passenger train derailed in West Bengal, east of India.

Feb 11: Antonov An-2R cargo airplane crashed, killing two people in Russia.

Feb 18: Eight people were found dead abroad a ferryboat after it erupted in flames, off the Greek island of Corfu.

Feb 21: Military pilot and co-pilot met their deaths in Iranian F5 fighter jet crash, Northwest of Iran.

Feb 23: Helicopter crash killed four people. The helicopter was conducting routine training operations in Kauai Island under contract to the U.S. Navy.

Feb 28: Germany announced the arrival of 1800 Ukrainian refugees.

March 20: Six people killed after a car crashed into a crowd of people gathered to attend alocal carnival in Strepy-Bracquegnies, Belgium.

March 20: Five people dead in Bangladesh ferry accident.

March 21: The US Marine Corps announced that four members were killed in a plane crash during participation in the Norwegian-led military exercise, Cold Response.

March 21: China announced all 132 passengers onboard flight 5735 Fatal killed in a fatal crash.

April 20: Six people were killed in a traffic accident as some 528 tried to escape a Malaysia immigration detention center, 362 were rearrested.

April 23: More than 100 dead in oil rig blast in Nigeria.

April 25: Turkish training aircraft crashed in Bursa, killing the pilot and the co-pilot.

April 28: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) registered high radiation levels Chernobyl nuclear reactor, but reassured that the situation remains stable.

May 7: Gas leak in a hotel in Havana, Cuba, caused blast killing 22 people.

May 14: In New Delhi, India, 27 people were killed and 12 injured due to fire in mall.

May 22: Two dead and 42 wounded in bus accident carrying college students in Turkiye.

May 27: Seven Indian soldiers dead and 19 are injured in a road accident.

May 30: Nepal announced all 22 passengers on board Tara aircraft were killed in the crash.

June 3: Five people were killed in a train crash in Bavaria, Germany.

June 4: Fire in forests in north Pakistan killed four people.

June 4: Nine workers dead and 19 others wounded in blast in north India.

June 5: 22 people dead and six were injured due to a bus derailment accident in India.

June 5: Fire in a container depot in Bangladesh killed 15 and injured 170 others.

June 8: Bus crash in Pakistan killed 22 people.

June 9: The United States announced the death of four marines following an airplane crash.

June 27: Many dead and more than 50 were injured in train derailment accident in Missouri, the United States.

July 17: Helicopter crash in American New Mexico state, killed four people.

August 2: Pakistan army helicopter on flood relief operation crashed killing six people onboard.

August 13: One person killed and 17 others injured in a stage collapse at a music festival near Spain’s eastern city of Valencia.

August 16: 20 people were killed and six others received injuries when a passenger bus collided with an oil tanker on Pakistan’s eastern Multan-Sukkur Motorway.

August 16: Six Indian security men were killed and 30 others were injured as their bus fell into a deep gorge in the Anantnag district of North Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

August 21: Nine soldiers of the Pakistan army lost their lives and four others were injured as their vehicle plunged into a ravine in Pakistan.

August 21: Two bus accidents in southeastern Turkiye killed 32 people and injured over 50 people.

August 31: A container on the working deck of an offshore supply ship exploded, killing three crewmembers, at Crotone Port, southern Italy.

Sept 5: One person met his death due to a floatplane crash in Washington State, the US.

Sept 11: Three people were killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

Sept 26: At least six soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Pakistan.

Oct 9: Turkiye announced three people died due to gas leak explosion in a residential unit in Istanbul.

Oct 15: A gas leak explosion killed 41 people in the coalmine, in northern Turkiye.

Oct 18: Two dead, three injured following hot air balloon crash in Turkiye’s Cappadocia.

Oct 18: Russia announced the death of 14, and injury of 19 others in a Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber crash, falling over a civilian neighborhood in Yeysk city in Krasnodar Krai region.

Oct 21: Military chopper crash killed two people northeast India.

Oct 23: Russian military jet, Sukhoi Su-30, crashed into a residential building in the Siberian city of Irkutsk while on test flight, killing the two pilots.

Oct 30: 141 people were killed after a cable bridge collapsed in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

Oct 30: 149 people have been killed in a deadly stampede in Seoul at late-night Halloween celebrations.

Nov 5: A helicopter crashed in southern Italy on Saturday, killing all seven people on board.

Nov 5: 15 people were killed in a massive fire that erupted in a complex in central Russia.

Nov 8: one dead, four others injured in a place crash in central Russia.

Nov 22: A fire erupting in a factory in China killed 36 people.

Dec 16: Russian Mi-8 helicopter crashed in the Siberian region of Buryatia, killing three people.

Global Arms Race:

Jan 6: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurated a national facility for local fighter jets manufacturing.

Jan 6: Japan and Australia signed an agreement for facilitated defense and security cooperation between the two countries.

Jan 14: Turkey’s first national intelligence ship TCG Ufuk was put into service.

Awards and Achievements:

Jan 13: Turkey’s first mini satellite, Grizu-263A, was launched into space on SpaceX’sFalcon 9 rocket. The launch took place in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Feb 14: First successful arm transplant surgery was performed on an amputated 11 year old child, in Aya Sophia hospital, Athens.

Feb 14: India launched three satellites on its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C52 in a rideshare mission marking the nation’s first launch of the year.

March 28: Troy Kotsur became the first deaf man to win an acting Oscar for his supporting role in the Oscar-awarded film, Coda.

May 14: Turkiye inaugurated the Rize-Artvin floating airport, northeast of the country, the second of its kind.

June 30: India launched three Singapore-owned satellites successfully.

Sept 2: India inaugurates first locally made aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, with the capacity to carry 30 fighter jets and 1,600 members of crew.

Oct 5: American SpaceX company launched four people to the International Space Station from Florida.

Oct 5: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Karl Barry Sharpless, Carolyn Bertozzi and Morten Meldal.

Oct 6: The Royal Swedish Academy granted the Nobel Prize in literature to French author Annie Ernaux.

Oct 7: The Norwegian committee in Oslo granted the Nobel peace prize to Belarusian human rights activist, Ales Bialiatski, Russian human rights organization, Memorial, and Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties.

Oct 23: India launched 36 satellites on board the LVM 3 rocket of the Satish DhawanSpace Centre, south of the country.

Nov 16: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced first trip to the moon after a 50-year hiatus.

Nov 18: India announced launching first private sector rocket, (Vikram-S) developed by Indian company, Sky Rocket.

Nov 21: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced the arrival of Orion, a space capsule, to a location near the moon’s surface.

Nov 28: China launched the manned spaceship Shenzhou-15 from the Jiuquan satellite launch Center in northwest China.

Dec 11: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced the landing of an unmanned Orion spaceship in the Pacific Ocean after 25 days it spent in space, where ittravelled 1.4 million Miles around the moon.

Dec 12: The United States launched first operational hypersonic missile.

Dec 13: The United States announced reaching nuclear fusion breakthrough, which could pave the way for the future of national defense and clean energy.

Late prominent figures, and officials:

Jan 11: President of European Parliament David Sassoli passed away at age 65.

Jan 14: Former Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu passed away at age 91.

Feb 3: Former Greek President Christos Sartzetakis passed away at age 92.

March 7: Ninth President of Pakistan, Mohammad Rafiq Tarar, passed away at age 92.

March 11: Former President of Zambia Rupiah Banda passed way at age 85.

March 23: First female American Secretary of State Madeline Albright passed away at age 84.

April 22: Kenya’s former President, Mwai Kibaki, passed away at age 90.

May 28: Former Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, passed away at age 56.

July 6: OPEC’s Secretary-General Mohammad Barkindo passed away at age 63, a few days after his tenure in the organization ended.

August 30: The Soviet Union’s last President, Mikhail Gorbachev passed away at age 92.

Sept 8: Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II passed away at age 96, becoming longest reigning British monarch of 70 years.

Oct 25: The United States announced the death of former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter at age 68. Carter oversaw the military operation against what is known as Da’esh orthe Islamic State (IS).

Nov 26: Belarus declared the death of its foreign minister, Vladimir Maki, at age 65.

Nov 30: Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin passed away at age 96.

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