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Lockdown-2 a possible option

Though it is not being actively considered for the moment, a return to partial or full curfew remains an option, a health official is reported to have stated. The official warned that medical authorities will be forced to recommend a second close-down of the country, in the event that the coronavirus infection takes a dramatic turn for the worse, and infection rates surge to the point that hospitals and the health system can no longer cope with the disease.

The idea behind partial or full curfews is to decrease the chances of people intermingling and thereby rapidly spreading a virulent disease. Keeping infection rates within limits, allows the health system to cater to patients efficiently. However, if the number of patients increase dramatically, health facilities could become overwhelmed and reach the stage where it is unable to provide appropriate medical treatment to everyone.

Emphasizing the need for people to be aware that the coronavirus pandemic is not yet over, and that there was a strong likelihood of a second-wave, the official urged the public to behave responsibly, and to strictly adhere to the health and safety guidelines issued by the health authorities. Wearing face masks in public, maintaining social distance, frequently washing hands and sanitizing surfaces, are practices that should become a regular feature of life, said the official.

He added that although the number of infected people needing hospitalization and intensive care are coming down, this should not be a reason for complacency or laxity in adhering to health and safety requirements. Acting responsibly would allow all of us to slowly and safely return to normal life.

Source: Al Rai

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